Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weight Watchers

Updated June 3, 2009

Dad and I started Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago after dad's doctor told him a lot of his health problems could be eliminated or reduced if he lost weight. We weigh in each Thursday and I'll try to keep up with the posting of progress. Congrats to Dad for week 2. We were in New York and he still lost eating Galima's great cooking.

Week 1 lost 6.0 lbs
Week 2 lost 2.0 lbs.
Week 3 lost 5.4 lbs
Week 4 - Dad took the day off so didn't weigh in (I think he was afraid)
Week 5 - lost 2.4 pounds
Wee 6 - Dad at meeting and didn't weight in!
Week 7 - No weigh in - We were at a wedding
Week 8 - Maintained! That's great considering missing two weigh-ins, no tracking and a lot of
eating out.
Week 9 - Gained 2.2 pounds. Time to recommit!
TOTAL lost 13.6lbs.??

Week 1 lost 5.4 lbs.
Week 2 gained 2 lbs. (It was that New York Cheesecake)
Week 3 lost 3.4 lbs.
Week 4 lost 2.2 lbs.
Week 5 lost 1.4 lbs.
Week 6 lost .6 lbs (better than nothing)
Week 7 - No weigh in - we were at a wedding
Week 8 - lost .6 lbs. (shocking with all the elcairs, BBQ ribs & wedding cake I ate)
Week 9 - Gained 1 pound - No more Chuck-A-Rama for me. I can't resist their scones!
TOTAL lost 12.6 lbs.


Jen and Rob said...

Go Team Go!!!!!

Kimberly and Jonathan Bradbury said...

Alright dad! No more symphony bars. And Nancy you look great!

Kimberly and Jonathan Bradbury said...


That was Mr. Hankey saying hello

Kuhnz Family said...

Way to go! That is awesome... are you just doing the weight watchers or are you working out too?

Teri Lyn said...

congrats!!! thats alot! i didnt think dad was stickin to it...but apparently so!!